Privacy statement

Privacy statement
In this privacy statement you will find our data, you can read what personal data is, what is meant by processing personal data, for what purposes we process your personal data, what your rights are, what we do to ensure that your personal data is processed securely and how long your personal data will be kept. This privacy statement applies when you visit our website (, place an order or conclude an agreement.

Our data
Crossbow Products Co. Ltd.
220 Moo 10
Hua Hin
Prachuabkirikhan, 77110
Tel. +66 (0)32 902 226

Personal data
Personal data is all data that provides information about you and with which you are directly or indirectly identifiable.

Processing of personal data
By processing personal data we mean: collecting, recording, organizing, storing, updating, changing, retrieving, consulting, using, providing by means of transmission, distribution or any other form of making available, bringing together, linking together, as well as blocking, erasure or destruction of your personal data.

We process your personal data for the following purposes: so that we can contact you, for the ordering procedure, for the preparation of quotations and agreements, so that we can inform you of changes to our services or products, so that we can change our products or be able to deliver services to you, to send newsletters if you have given permission for this. We only process personal data that is necessary for these purposes.

We also process your personal data to comply with legal obligations, to improve our services, to handle complaints and to prevent fraud. We never sell your personal data to third parties. We do not profile you or make automated decisions that could have significant consequences for you. In order to take care of your personal data, we conclude a processor agreement with companies if those companies process your data on our behalf.

Personal data that we process
To carry out the purposes, we process the following personal data:
• Name
• E-mail address

You also have rights
Do you want to know which personal data we have processed? Send an email to with a request to view your data. You will receive a response to the request within four weeks at the latest.

Are your personal data incorrect, incomplete, irrelevant for the purposes for which they were processed or otherwise in violation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or other legislation? Then you are entitled to correction of your personal data. You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, the right to have less data processed, the right to withdraw consent that you have given and the right to data portability. Correction means improvement, addition, removal or blocking of your personal data. Send your request to Or contact us by telephone on the telephone number: +66 (0)32 902 226. You will receive a response to the request within four weeks at the latest. We would also like to point out the possibility to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Personal data is personal and must remain personal. We think it is just as important as you that your personal data does not end up on the street or are processed unlawfully. That is why we apply all possible technical and organizational measures to safely process your personal data. To protect your personal data, we use security software such as a virus scanner and firewall, passwords for electronic systems, a secure internet connection and backups.

Retention of personal data
We do not store your personal data longer than is strictly necessary for the implementation of the purposes. If legal regulations apply to storage, the personal data will not be kept longer than legally prescribed.

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